Due to declining subsidies from the government for development foundations and organizations, the smaller foundations in the Netherlands are suffering. MWM Architecture can assist these struggling foundations, by creating designs and visualisations at a very low cost. By simple sketches or visualisations, most foundations find it easier to communicate their projects to their supporters and attract potential sponsors.


After 7 years of experience in Eastern and Western Africa, working with foundations as ‘Back2Africa’ and ‘Elimu Mount Elgon’, MWM Architecture has managed to specialize itself in designing and implementing development projects. The projects are initiated by the local residents themselves and are developed to support the social and cultural backgrounds of the people. The (construction) systems are created in such a manner that the local residents can easily apply them and adjust to their will. These people can therefore continue to build themselves and decide how and where. This method focuses on community, culture and collective choices.


MWM Architecture specialises not only in designing and visualising projects, but also in supervised projects abroad. We provide the blueprints, planning, calculations and we act (if requested) as project coordinator on site. Since the establishment of MWM Architecture the scale of the assignments, as has the complexity, has increased exponentially and we may call ourselves experts on advisory within the development area.