Location: Mount Elgon (western Kenya)

Client: Mount Elgon Orchards & Elimu Mount Elgon

Date: 12-2010





After the successful orphanage project, our partner, Elimu Mount Elgon foundation, decided to realize a similar project for children with a disability. The design is just a few months old, but construction will start very soon, in early 2012. The project consists of a large common room, which opens to the veranda. Both dormitories (boys & girls separate) open directly onto the living area and both have their own toilets and showers.


It was especially important that the house had simple design with wide doors so that the children with physical disabilities would be able to maneuver easily. Limited by a very tight budget, bunk beds were necessary. By creating a proper layout, this should not be a problem for the children.


There is a high necessity for this house in the region. A topic often left undiscussed, are the unacceptable living-conditions for children with disabilities in rural areas in Africa. Often, they are not accepted or rejected by the family. With the arrival of a class for children with disabilities, the first step was made to help these children. It appears that parents are often unable to care for their children. With the help of this house we hope to offer parents an alternative close to their homes.