Location: Krakow (Poland)

Client: International Technical University of Cracow

Date: 03-2010



Current situation


The current sports centre of the university resembles a remote island in an area predominantly occupied by students from other universities. When you visit the building you initially think it is deserted, but this is soon replaced by a sense of nostalgia. Although the building has no aesthetic value, it still remains a piece of the past. In addition to the normal sport activities, the building is also used for more cultural aspects. Folk dance and music is a big part of the overall program of the building. Something within the sports centre of Krakow is absolutely unique. The question that immediately arises is why you cannot see anything from outside. Shouldn’t the users and passers be proud of this piece of culture? This gave me the focus for this project; confronting the environment with the sport activities and how it can be connected with the environment.


Problems and solutions


From the front of the field to the rear lays a border between the two existing sports facilities. This is mainly because the centres belong to competing universities. The competitor, AGH University owns approximately 90% of the student housing and public buildings in the area. The Jagiellonian University has only 3 apartment complexes. Why should the universities not share the complexes? When we look at the programs of both sports centres, they would have the most complete program of any sport facility in Krakow. The Jagiellonian complex with its cultural activities and AHG with its modern facilities. In the area, only one platform is available where artists can perform. This combined with the fact that the dancing and music in the sports centre is underexposed, a small public stage should be considered. Students can perform. Because of the location just outside the city, there is no hindrance for residents and is ideal for such a function.


That the complex is remote, has a big disadvantage. The distance is demotivating for students to go to the gym. This has to do with the fact that the roads are so bad that walking or cycling is quite an undertaking. Improving the foot- and bike path, must be a priority. In addition, strategically placed sport containers will be introduced. Here students can rent skates and bikes close to home in order to increase their mobility.


Furthermore, studying in the dorms is extremely difficult for the students. Rents are high and the rooms are very small. Rarely there is a living room or study space available, this gives the students a poor learning environment. In the new complex, study spaces are present. This allows students to study and exercise in the evenings.