Location: Oswiecim (Auschwitz, Poland)

Studio: MSc 1 Border Conditions

Date: 09-2009/01-2010





In the analysis of the first few weeks we looked for conditions and problems within the urban historic context of Oswiecim. We found a lot of negative history mainly caused by the war, which still holds the people and the architecture of this town in its power. Every square meter in Oswiecim has a story and every intervention means wiping out an important piece of history. In our view it was essential to find a project area that had no history, since we had to design an economic research centre.


The biggest problem in town, is the fragmented nature of the urban layout of the city, which was also caused by the war. In particular, the area southeast of the centre, this area lies between two forces, namely those of the centre and the huge complex of IG Farben. Also the high buildings, which date from communism, cause a visual obstruction of the environment. For the inhabitants of the neighbourhood, these condominiums are a constant reminder of the communists and this combined with the negative association with the war creates a depressed environment in which they live.


Strangely, we found in comparison to the rest of the city, a high density of public functions in this area. In our opinion, this gives the area a unique opportunity and high potential that should be better utilized. But before we began the design we had to get a notion of the socio-cultural context of the environment. Thanks to the many interviews on the street, we learned that the biggest problem currently is the high unemployment in the town. High unemployment is a bit odd for a city that annually has more than a million visitors. The big problem is that these visitors, only visit the concentration camps. The camps are owned by the state and the city earns nothing. There are few people who can get a job as an interpreter or something similar. This gave us more than enough reason for the design of a economic centre. After all, the migration from the smaller cities is an increasing problem, like high unemployment.


After a lengthy site analysis we decided that the best place for the research centre was on the location of the marketplace. Not only because of its central position in the district, but also because this is currently the economic heart of the city. Everything is sold or exchanged, from lettuce to goat. This gives residents the chance to earn enough money to make ends meet. In addition, it acts as a social catalyst and everyone knows each other. By providing small shops and offices, we want the economic character of the terrain and its inhabitants to create more growth opportunities.


We wish for the current building to remain and build on this. This through the building as a backdrop behind the market place so its signal function itself becomes magnified. But ultimately we add a public function, which is the event square. Here local talents can perform while visitors shop at the marketplace. In the main building there is a large auditorium where conferences can be held. Ultimately we hope that this project will function as a case study to create the public debate on the exponential depopulation of rural areas.