Location: Mount Elgon (western Kenya)

Client: Residents Mount Elgon

Date: 09-2011





Due to the realization of 120 homes on Mount Elgon, a small population of 600 people find new shelter. This plan, which was developed by the owners of the nursery and Habitat For Humanity, has created a radical break with the local building traditions and cultural heritage. No longer are the residential communities formed by the chief and the village council. This will cause a lot of difficulties, in particular considering the local traditions. For the residents to be able to gather, to host celebrations and to commune, a multifunctional building was necessary. Back2Africa was able to supply in these needs.


Although this first sketch looks very immobile the design is based on a modular system that residents can build. The spaces under the roof can be arranged at their discretion and can be divided for different functions