Location: Ukunda (Kenya)
Client: Fam. Wijgerse
Date: 12-2012

Size: 75 m2
- 1 living room
- 3 bedrooms
- 1 kitchen (open)
- 1 bathroom
- 1 toilet


The family Wijgerse has worked in Kenya several times on development aid projects. During one of their stays they met Ndao Mangela, whom they nicknamed ‘Joris’ (a common Dutch name). ‘Joris’ is a 26 year old orphan who lives with his sister, four brothers and grandmother. And of whom he takes care. He is a strong-willed and kind person, and because of these character trades the Wijgerse family decided to support ‘Joris’ in his efforts to provide for his family. After some time of searching for the right way this support could be given, the family Wijgerse contacted MWM to help them formulate a plan. Because ‘Joris’ is living in such poor conditions it was clear that new accommodations would be essential.


MWM is developing a design for a simple modest house for ‘Joris’ that will harmoniously fit into its surroundings and create a coherency.